Tuesday 6 June 2017

Turn point :

1-When his father died, Mandela  was groomed for becoming chief of his local tribe.
2- Mandela became involved in politics.
3-1962 Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison.

1-Mandela was able to finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer.
2-In 1952 Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.
3-on 10 May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa on and was President until June 1999.
4-Nelson Mandelais also associated with many educational programmes and initiatives such as Make Poverty History Campaign
5-In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with F.W. De Klerk

Tuesday 30 May 2017

 Fred Hollows 
1)  1929 ,   he  was born in new Zealand. 
2)  1980s,  he  had extended his campaign for treating                                      avoidable eye disease .
3)  1989  ,  he was diagnosed with cancer.
4)  1990   ,  he awarded the  title of the Australian year.
5) 1992    , his work  was establish established .
6)  1993   ,   he died     .

Reg Saunders

1- 1920 , he was born  on the Framlingham Reserve in western Victoria.
2- 1934, he attended school .
3- 1937, he ran a sawmill with his father and his brother .
4- 1940, he enlisted to fight in the second war . 
5- 1942, he escaped on British submarine.
6- 1942 , he returned to AUS .
7-1944, he completed officer training and was promoted to lieutenant.
8- 1944, He get married from his wife Dorothy Banfield. 
9- 1945, he was discharged from the army .
10-1950, he rejoined the army as a   lieutenant .
11- 1954, he requested discharged from the army .
12-1969, he was recruited to the office of Aboriginal Affairs .
13-1971, he was recognized for his community work .
14 -1980 , he retirement from his job in Canberra .   

Hugh Jackman

1-Born in 1968 in in Sydney , Australia.  
2- He met his Wife future in 1995 in  T.V show 
3- He married with Deborra-lee Furness in 1996 . 
4-he won a Tony Award fro his lead role in Broadway`s in 2004 the Boy from Oz.
5-he won an Emmy Award for his turn as host of the 2005 Tony Awards.
6-offered the role of James Bond  in 2006 .
7-He was named the sexiest man alive in 2008 .
8-He had the distinction of serving as the host of  the Academy Awards in 2009 .
9- Jackman was honored with a  star on the Hollywood walk of Fame .  
10 -He received a  Golden Globe award as best actor in musical or comedy in 2013 . 
11-He continued to stay connected to his stage roots hosting the 2014 Tony Awards . 
12- He stepped into the role of the Villain in 2015 . 
13- He starred as ski coach Bronson Peary in the biopic in 2016 .
14- He made his last appearance in X-man blockbuster in 2017  .

Tuesday 28 March 2017

1-railways e) transportation
2- cultivation of oranges j) citrus farming
3-troposphere g) atmosphere
4- cotton growing  I) industrial  crops
5- under population H )population
6- panama Canal   c) sea routes
7-growth  of NY  h) urbanization
8- uranium a ) ores
9-coal production    d ) mining
10-rainfall   f)climate 

Thursday 2 March 2017

Solar Energy

There are many ways to make our world better and a clean . One of this is solar energy . we can use our sun to make a clean energy instead of the oil and gas which destroyed our earth . United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon  encouraged people to use it when he come with a solar taxi to went to his work .This technological is the best   invention happened to world .   

Kyoto Protocol

In my opinion ,Kyoto Protocol is necessary for all the world, it give  us the good way to reduces carbon emissions that damage our nature and our life . In addition , every country around the world have to abide by the Kyoto Protocol treaty  and reduces their emissions , the earth is going to be more warmer because we do not committed with Kyoto Protocol . their is many ways we can do that like use solar panel instead of the oil is best way to  help to make our earth better .

Tuesday 28 February 2017



     In my opinion , public should be educated about how important is recycling example for that make a lectures or doing  advertisement  specific for kids in schools .The second one is to build more recycling factory so that you save nature and operate job seekers in the same time . In addition , recycling save our resources example for that electronics materials . 
Thank you 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Immigration to Australia

Hello everyone , today i am going to give  a report about the immigration to Australia between 1992 and 2002 .
Immigration from Europe was the big one  about 26,676 in 1992 followed by  immigration from   Southeast Asia (22,325) and the less immigration in 1992 was  from  North America (2570) . In the other side immigration from  Oceania had increased gradually to  19152 when the immigration from   South & Central America was the less one in 2002 (900).

Global Warming Statistics

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Tuesday 7 February 2017

                                  ( never say never )
Hi lovely person ,

       this is my profile , I am one of the EFS student . I  learn English to continue my study in uni and make my dream which I always want to do it , always to improve my English ,  English is important in the live if you can not read or speak you should to learn , never give up if you give up keep going and you will win in the end  . I hope to see you in good live , and keep going and remember never say never .....enjoy your day

                             with all my love to you ....................